Presentations & Publications
“Contract Negotiation Checklist”—author, in Construction Legal Edge (Summer, 2016)
“Special Risk Issues In Construction Contracts”—presented as part of DRI Construction Section Annual Meeting (June, 2016)
“Dealing with the Fix—Issues for Construction Defect Mediations”—presented as part of MCLE “Construction Law and Litigation” (April, 2014)
“Preparing for Success at Mediation”—presented to Construction Financial Managers Assn. of Mass. monthly meeting (September, 2013)
“Jumpstarting Your Mediation Practice”—presented for Boston Bar Association Litigation, ADR and Construction Practice Sections (May, 2013)
“Recognizing and Managing Risks in Today’s Construction Market”—co-author, CFMA Building Profits Magazine (Sept/Oct 2012)
“Preparing for Success at Mediation”—presented as part of MCLE “Construction Law and Litigation” Seminar (June, 2012) and before Mass. Defense Lawyers Annual Meeting (May, 2012)
“Public Construction-Managing for Success”—presented to Mass. City Solicitors and Town Counsel Association Annual Meeting (April, 2012)
“Dispute Avoidance and Resolution for Construction Disputes: What is Working and What is Needed”, panelist for Boston Bar Association, Construction and Dispute Resolution Sections (December, 2011)
“Presenting Damages at Mediation and Preparing Your Organization for Mediation”, McGladrey, Inc. client seminar, sole presenter (October, 2011)
“Dealing with the Fix”—The Practical Response to a Construction Defect Claim, Litigation Management (Fall 2011)
“Holy S>*t--Crisis on the Project”, presented to Massachusetts RIMS and Associated Subcontractors of Mass. monthly meetings (November, 2010 and December, 2009)