
Presentations & Publications

  • “Contract Negotiation Checklist”—author, in Construction Legal Edge (Summer, 2016)

  • “Special Risk Issues In Construction Contracts”—presented as part of DRI Construction Section Annual Meeting (June, 2016)

  • “Dealing with the Fix—Issues for Construction Defect Mediations”—presented as part of MCLE “Construction Law and Litigation” (April, 2014)

  • “Preparing for Success at Mediation”—presented to Construction Financial Managers Assn. of Mass. monthly meeting (September, 2013)

  • “Jumpstarting Your Mediation Practice”—presented for Boston Bar Association Litigation, ADR and Construction Practice Sections (May, 2013)

  • “Recognizing and Managing Risks in Today’s Construction Market”—co-author, CFMA Building Profits Magazine (Sept/Oct 2012)

  • “Preparing for Success at Mediation”—presented as part of MCLE “Construction Law and Litigation” Seminar (June, 2012) and before Mass. Defense Lawyers Annual Meeting (May, 2012)

  • “Public Construction-Managing for Success”—presented to Mass. City Solicitors and Town Counsel Association Annual Meeting (April, 2012)

  • “Dispute Avoidance and Resolution for Construction Disputes: What is Working and What is Needed”, panelist for Boston Bar Association, Construction and Dispute Resolution Sections (December, 2011)

  • “Presenting Damages at Mediation and Preparing Your Organization for Mediation”, McGladrey, Inc. client seminar, sole presenter (October, 2011)

  • “Dealing with the Fix”—The Practical Response to a Construction Defect Claim, Litigation Management (Fall 2011)

  • “Holy S>*t--Crisis on the Project”, presented to Massachusetts RIMS and Associated Subcontractors of Mass. monthly meetings (November, 2010 and December, 2009)